Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Zdebel comes Bönig loan

Leverkusen - Amazing double transfer at Bayer: Thomas Zdebel changes with immediate effect from VfL Bochum to Leverkusen. At the same time Bayer defensive talent borrows Jens Bönig (20) for a half year to second division FC Augsburg.
Zdebel, in the first round still captain in Bochum, was removed to start the back rounds of preparation of the controversial coach Marcel Koller in the first team squad, should be used only in the big-league team. What the 35-year veteran of course, did not accept Zdebel insisted on termination of contract.
According EXPRESS information Bochum now pays out a lump sum even Zdebel to end the issue - for Bayer, the midfielder is therefore a bargain. The tablecloth was cut in Bochum, because Zdebel is said to have been internally against Koller mood.
Because Zdebel comes Bönig can now gain match practice in Augsburg. Bayer coach in the summer had rejected a transfer of the defensive all-rounder still alternatives to the squad to have.